Neptune Aquatics

I'm back!

For $20 ea (wyze og cam) I should have done this a long time ago.
I have an infestation of these orange slugs. They are less than 1/4 inch long and I have found a dozen of them today. This one is caught on some kind of mucus filament attached to the urchin spine.
While I was on my last fire assignment for the year, one of my narcissistic coworkers decided to "train the fish to recognize our blue shirts" and started feeding pellet foods every time he walked by the tank.

Thankfully, it was only one day before another coworker called me with concern about the tank.

It's on an auto feeder 3x a day. I left clear instructions that if they wanted to feed extra, a sheet of nori and a frozen cube was all that should be fed.

The same coworker unplugged my Webcam because he thought that was how I caught him.

I let my boss know he is forbidden from touching my personal property and poisoning my pets. If it happens again, I make a Hostile Work Environment complaint against him.

I shouldn't have to teach a 60 year old man with a degree in aquatic biology about respecting my wishes on my personal reef tank. It's pathetic.
While I was on my last fire assignment for the year, one of my narcissistic coworkers decided to "train the fish to recognize our blue shirts" and started feeding pellet foods every time he walked by the tank.

Thankfully, it was only one day before another coworker called me with concern about the tank.

It's on an auto feeder 3x a day. I left clear instructions that if they wanted to feed extra, a sheet of nori and a frozen cube was all that should be fed.

The same coworker unplugged my Webcam because he thought that was how I caught him.

I let my boss know he is forbidden from touching my personal property and poisoning my pets. If it happens again, I make a Hostile Work Environment complaint against him.

I shouldn't have to teach a 60 year old man with a degree in aquatic biology about respecting my wishes on my personal reef tank. It's pathetic.

That sucks. Super petty to unplug the cam as well.
And he left the office door open last night and shut off the heater. It was 36 degrees in the building this morning and the tank dropped to 74 degrees with 300w of heaters running non stop.

Final straw. Time to set up the 150 that's sitting in my garage and take all the critters home.

Free 100 tank and stand up for grabs in a few weeks.