Supporting Member
No, the actual secret stuff was in an area that had no windows, and we were not allowed in. The guy giving the talk at the podium did let slip the name of the new Kessil fixture though that they tried to keep quiet by putting a piece of tape over the name on the prototype unit they had But I won't relay that information in case it costs the guy his job In the pictures there is a Kessil A2000 though, you dont typically see that at BulkReefSupply thoughSo was there stuff you guys saw that you weren’t allowed to take pictures of?
I won one of the WiFI Dongles though, as well as one of the adjustable mounting brackets that aren't even out yet! Didn't get a chance to win the A360X because I volunteered to pick the "grand prize" winner, which is really a shame because I don't own one yet to use said dongle or mounting bracket