
LED Q&A thread

When you say "not the best" are you specifically talking about the driver? Or the LEDs? Or both?

I mean hell I can buy just the LEDs if they're fine, then get a more powerful driver, maybe a dimmable one.
6 white + 6 blue at 700mA over a 10g is fine for your goals:) Optics unnecessary if you are building a low level light. dimming isn't really necessary. In fact, you'll probably be fine running both at 100%
Well according to that website, the whites are Q5, although they do have Q4 at a buck cheaper each. They royal blues are Group 15 which seems to be decent ones.
Whoa... probably fine?! I don't like the sound of your tone mister! :p

But sounds good, just got to find some of the old heatsinks I got, and we'll get to work :D

Seems like buying separately I could save some money, no need for lenses, power cord, "water resistant nuts" *sigh*... the thermal adhesive probably could be gotten cheaper at Fry's, Hell I could go for the ELN-60-48 and be at the same price, then have the option later of upgrading any sort of dimming.

Here's another question, the 48 means the maximum output voltage, so if I run them at 700mA that makes each sap off 3V? So could I then go so far as to hook up 16 to one driver?

Edit: whoops, just saw at 3 volts it'll only be at about 150mA each... pooh!
I want to go the LED route, but the biggest hurdle for me is making a fixture. Does anyone have any experience doing this? I'm a former helicopter electrician so the LED part is easy to me but fabricating a fixture is S). I assume it would have to be made of acrylic, I want something like this:

or even something simple like this

Retrofitting my BC29 is not an option because I hate sticking my hand into that tiny top flap to target feed. Also because my hood is beat up ugly and missing the back flap.

I'll probably go with this 15" version my BC29 is 20" wide

What do you think?
I suggest buy the kit from nano tuner. the heat sink fits better and made for the hood. I retrofitted with their heat sink for a BC14. Must easier to get all components from one place than to try find all bits and pieces from other sources.
I totally agree, the nano tuners one should be way better. I bought my heatsink off and i'm not happy with it. It's thicker so you can't add optics, its heavier which means a huge increase of stress on the plastic hood (one persons has already broken as a result). I actually might go ahead and get the nanotuners one as well because i'm still not satisfied, even though i've gone though a million tap bits and drill bits (nanotuners one is pre drilled and tapped!). Good luck, let us know if we can help.
I feel your pain Omid. Drilling and tapping that many simply sucks!!!
i found a cool heatsink on ebay actually, it even has a a lip on the flat side to hold the glass. and 2 lips on the side for support. i'll post a pic when i get home
Bump, here is the one i found on Ebay. it's slightly bigger than the nano tunners one, but it's cheaper + it has the slot to hold some glass/acrylic under the flat side.

If you decide to use this, some quick advice...Make sure your drill holes are perpendicular to the plane of the heatsink as much as possible and that the holes don't go through any of the fins. This will make drilling and tapping a lot easier.
I have no personal experience with them, but there are alternatives to drilling/tapping: