Cali Kid Corals

Meshmez's IM EXT 112

The start of my scape. Obviously a long way from done, but looking for suggestions. Not married to any of this, though I do think the "left" view looks pretty cool and gives lots of room for coral. The left and front views will be most prominent when the tank is up and running. End of tape measure is set to the approximate water level.

Left side view:

Left/front corner:


Obviously a lot needs filled in still. Trying to decide if I should build a stand alone structure for the back right, tie it in to the left, add more to the front right structure or leave it kinda low.

Flow Plan: is 2 mp40s on back wall, possibly a gyre somewhere...

Lighting: 2x XR 30 parallel to the 2 sides. Possibly a third xr30 across the front, or on xr15.

Planned to be a mixed reef
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I saw a rock scape and got to play with a few pieces that were put together.

It's impressive.

Get a thing CA glue (he used "gluemasters thin")

Pour sand between the rocks then wet the sand with glue, more sand, more glue, more sand.

The glue doesn't break, the rocks actually break before the glue does.

Here's where I'm at tonight. Figured a video might be easier to see depth than pics. I want to build up the back right a little more, and possibly add something in the space between the front and back right.
This is not only the start of a new tank, but hopefully the resurrection of my time in the hobby. I posted previously about my recent reef keeping woes and I decided what I needed was a new start rather than a restart.

So I ordered an Innovative Marine EXT 112 with APS stand! Originally this wasn't supposed to ship until the end of January, but as of today, ITS HERE! My 150 is still setup and running, so I will take a little time to get the 112 set up and things moved over, but I figured I would start the build thread at ground zero.

From what I see of it in the crate, the tank looks beautiful! Can't wait to start figuring out an aquascape!
super nice dimensions for a reef, looking forward to seeing it develop.
@Meshmez looking from the side view starfire, does your panel look blueish or greenish? my established old current IM 50g is more blue than my new IM 100ext.

This new 100ext looks like my previous new SCA 150. They claim it's starfire, but the panels aren't blueish, more greenish. I know SCA got the panels from China, maybe IM is starting to do that too to save cost and profit.
@Meshmez looking from the side view starfire, does your panel look blueish or greenish? my established old current IM 50g is more blue than my new IM 100ext.

This new 100ext looks like my previous new SCA 150. They claim it's starfire, but the panels aren't blueish, more greenish. I know SCA got the panels from China, maybe IM is starting to do that too to save cost and profit.
It's still in the crate, I can let you know when I get there... :D

For what it's worth, I don't think they call it starphire. Just ultra clear low iron.