I have a large 180 liter white Brute, with 5 liter markings on the side, which I hand-made. When it gets lowish (less than 50 liters), I refill all day from my RODI. I subtract the volumes, multiply by 1.6 g/L. I weigh out this amount, add, mix for about 60 seconds with a long paddle type mixer by hand, then cover. It’s super fast and simple, loses no potency, and is ultra-reliable. Anyone who has the space could do this and not have to worry about it further.
I don’t see the advantage of having a large container and putting in way excess kalk for multiple fills, instead of just putting in the right amount for each. You aren’t really saving time or effort, just adding a variable.
I don’t see the advantage of having a large container and putting in way excess kalk for multiple fills, instead of just putting in the right amount for each. You aren’t really saving time or effort, just adding a variable.
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