To elaborate on why, the main weak point in a 3d print is the connection between layers. Imagine the layers are like LEGO pieces stuck together really hard.
It's a lot easier to pull layers of LEGO pieces apart then it is to rip a single LEGO apart. Same with the prints. Avoid anything where layers can get pulled apart.
On that print, looks like a nice design, but as a non-expert who does some of this as a hobby, it's my understanding if you're building a strong part you also want all corners to be smooth/fileted in the design. It's hard to tell but it doesn't look to be in that one. May not mean anything, but also might mean the person designing that wasn't the bestest expert, so I'd be careful. That seems like a thin part. I'd also have wanted it to be thicker, with the print being solid because of multiple walls.