Neptune Aquatics

[Sep 12, 2015] Regional Frag Swap (Hayward, CA (Building 2300 Cafeteria - Parking Lot B12))

We're excited to announce BAR's biggest event of the year, the annual Regional Frag Swap.

This frag swap is open to everyone, in fact we will be encouraging people from throughout California to come swap frags. This is going to be a good one you guys!

What are you bringing to the frag swap?!

  • Room Number: Cafeteria in 2300 Building
    • Chabot College in Hayward, CA
    • Map.jpg
  • Schedule
    • 10:30am Shopping Starts / Vendors Ready
    • 11:30am - 12:45pm Register for the Frag Swap (Get your picking Letter)
    • 1:00pm Start Frag Swap


  • Bring at least 3 different coral frags in their own clear plastic containers with lids.
    • Must be labeled with your username AND coral name AND lights used. You cannot swap if it doesnt have this information.
    • Add extra information if you want to be helpful.
    • We will be checking for unlabeled, mislabeled, sick, or dead coral.
  • Cost
    • 15$ Pre-registration
      • Get 5 Extra Raffle Tickets.
    • 15$ At the Door for any BAR and any other local Reef Club Member (bring proof of membership)
    • 20$ At the Door for everyone else.
    • FREE for Spectators/BOD/Approved Volunteers
  • The following corals cannot be used in frag swapping.
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  • The following Vendors will be there selling premium corals and drygoods.

      • Our very own jestersix will be doing some reef aquascaping demonstration builds.
      • Come learn some tips on reef scaping from a professional aquascaper.
Food / Drinks

  • A variety of Pizza, Soda, and Water will be available for purchase at this event.

Bonus Rounds

  • The bonus rounds are optional and consist of the first two picking rounds of the swap.
  • Once you're done with the bonus rounds, you continue the regular swap.
  • If you want to do the bonus rounds, you need to bring at least 3 bonus corals or 1 ultra coral from the bonus round list to receive 1 Bonus Round Ticket.
  • You can receive as many Bonus Round Tickets as you want. (Example: Bringing 9 bonus round frags gives you 3 bonus round tickets)
    • The Bonus Coral List can be found here at this link.
    • Bonus Corals strains can be repeated only ONCE.
      • Example: 1) Oompa Loompa Zoa, 2) Oompa Loompa Zoa, 3) Gold Hammer = OKAY
    • Ultra Corals strains can be repeated only ONCE.
    • 3 Bonus Corals = 1 Bonus Round Ticket or 1 Ultra Coral = 1 Bonus Round Ticket
  • Bonus Round Exclusive Raffle
    • Anyone participating in the bonus round will be entered into an exclusive raffle to win the two corals below.​
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    • Hallucination Paly Frag from Legendary Corals
    • Reef Raft The Vinh Frag from California Reef Co.
  • READ THIS THREAD on bonus rounds before asking questions about it here.
Free Raffle Prizes

  • Everyone who registers for the frag swap will receive 10 free raffle tickets.
  • You get an extra 5 raffle tickets if you pre-register before September 4th at 10PM.
  • We will have box-specific raffles/general raffles.
  • If you're a BAR Supporting member, you're eligible for an exclusive raffle to win a ORA Aquacultured Gold Maxima Clam (stock photo).
  • We will be checking for membership.
  • MaximaClamGold114.jpg
  • Needs strong lighting.
  • Donated by a BAR member.

  • If you're in a reef club and you traveled more than 50 miles to come to this frag swap, you're eligible for an exclusive raffle to win this Jack-O-Lantern Leptoseris.
  • Bring your proof of membership.
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    • Donated by a BAR member.

Grand Prizes


Maxspect Gyre XF150 Wavemaker


Kessil 360W-E Light


Bubble Magus BM-T11 Dosing Pump (Newest Model)


Reef Angel Aquarium Controller (Thank You Reef Angel)
  • Also includes: pH probe, Temperature probe, and float switches.

Reef Radiance Starfire Genesis LED Light (Thank You Reef Radiance)
  • Fully controllable with the Neptune Systems Apex.

J6 Jestersix Reef Scape Piece (Thank You jestersix)

More Free Raffle Prizes

Aquatic Collection Premium Coral Frags (Thank You Aquatic Collection)
Multiple Diablo Coral Frags (Thank You Diablo Corals)
$25 Gift Card to Cali Reef Co. (Thank You CRC)
$25 Gift Card to Cali Reef Co. (Thank You CRC)
$25 Gift Card to Cali Reef Co. (Thank You CRC)
$25 Gift Card to Cali Reef Co. (Thank You CRC)
$25 Gift Card to Cali Reef Co. (Thank You CRC)
$25 Gift Card to Cali Reef Co. (Thank You CRC)
Brightwell Supplement Package (Thank You CRC)
$50 Gift Card to Neptunes (Thank You Neptune Aquatics)
$50 Gift Card to Neptunes (Thank You Neptune Aquatics)
$50 Gift Card to Neptunes (Thank You Neptune Aquatics)
Rose Bubble Tipped Anemone (From member sfsuphysics)
Legendary Corals Frag Pack (Thank You Legendary Corals)
Clean Up Crew Package (Thank You California Reef Co.)
Red/Black Rock Flower Anemone (From member EnderTurtle)
[PIC] Flaming Zebra Zoa Mini Colony (Thank You Neptune Aquatics)
Complete Reef Nutrition Bottle Set (Thank You Reef Nutrition)
TDO Chromaboost Fish Food (Thank You Reed Mariculture)
Typhoon III Extreme RO/DI Unit 150GPD (Thank You Air Water & Ice)
Air Water & Ice Gift Card 25$ (Thank You Air Water & Ice)
Air Water & Ice Gift Card 25$ (Thank You Air Water & Ice)
Hikari Sample Foods (Thank You Hikari)
Revive Coral Dip Bottle

Revive Coral Dip Bottle
JBJ Ocean Pulse Duo
JBJ True Temp

If you want to donate something to this event, send me a private message.


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The 2015 BAR Regional Frag Swap Proudly Welcomes:

Here's to having a fun frag swap!

Don't forget to sign up for the 50-Mile Raffle!

Any other clubs planning on attending this frag swap let us know!​
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:cool:Pre-Registration List:)
Seaslugteam (paid)
Gaberosenfield (paid)
TerpsandReefers (paid)
SJBro (paid)
Humu (paid)
jonsmos75 (paid)
Merith (paid)
Debbie (paid)
Kim Pattison (paid)
Jerri Pattison (paid)
Birmanreefgirl (paid)
Bengalreefer (paid)
Deven Roberts (paid)
MrDoeBack (paid)
Tylus (paid)
Wpeterson (paid)
Ahruk (paid)
EnderTurtle (paid)
Yippee (paid)
Saltwatersig (paid)
boun11 (paid)
Baykes (paid)
Discohai (paid)
VHuang169 (paid)
saltwaternoob (paid)
dswong01 (paid)
jctse (paid)

Steve Hammer (paid)
Ajgaxiola52 (paid)
Sammi1159 (paid)
Croatia (paid)
Croatias Friend (paid)
Corallus (paid)

Ask for your extra raffle tickets at the frag swap.

If you pre-registered and your name isn't on here, Message me.

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Hoping I can frag some of my acans. I know I have Zoas I can frag already and I'm preparing to do that soon. Just so I frag them correctly, are they usually single polyp frags or multiple?
People usually don't like single polyp zoa frags unless it's a really nice one. Some people bring mini zoa colonies. Some people bring single polyps. We encourage more but bring what you can and what you think people will be happy with.

BAR's frag swap has always been about coral trading and sharing (propagation and sharing the wealth). People brought stuff that they thought other people would like.

The last regional frag swap this one guy, I forget his name but he chopped up a pretty big Mummy's Eye Chalice colony and brought like 5 three-inch frags to the swap. That's the generosity that fueled the original frag swaps and that's what we hope to see more of. But like I said, not everyone has a giant colony to frag so bring what you can and what you think people will like.
Sounds like this one is gonna be killer. Really excited to see what you pull off as you seem to be kicking some major butt lol. Time to start looking at some of the goodies I got stashed away and see what has enough growth to have a piece "fall off" ;)
I'll probably just go to see how a frag swap works. My tank is only a few weeks old, so nothing is big enough to frag. I'm excited to see other folks frags though.
I updated this thread with some teaser pictures :) to get y'all pumped.

The bonus rounds have finally made their way to BAR. Be ready to bring some of those corals from your secret stash.
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finally got the tank somewhat cleaned up (i.e removed a bunch of frag plugs with skeletons on it, etc), should start cutting some frags and throwing them in a frag tank (my anemone tank works). I'm can guarantee nothing "bonus round worth" (well maybe one or two, but I don't care about that), but I'll not bring junk.
If you don't have something set up already I should be able to help out those needing frags. I'll have to take a look when I get home but I know I could do several packs off the top of my head. I could do the $20 for 3 frags for those that need. Please let me know asap as I don't have a whole lot of space so I will only be cutting for those that get with me ahead of time.

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