
New Member Area/Introduce yourself thread

I'm a new member to this site; found about you guys at the Academy of Sciences in San Francisco; my son and I were about to go into the coral prop units when a kid pulled the fire alarm so everyone out they said.
I read many of the corals the new building will home are from your organization, that's really nice; loved the huge reef wall tank they have on Howard; specially the Emperor Angel.

I've dealt with reef tanks for about two years now, last November we moved to a bigger place so I decided to go from a 29 Eclipse to a 46 Bow-front. I've been collecting the equipment little by little, most second hand when I moved the livestock I was afraid of loosing the corals and I did most of them, mushrooms are quite hardy I learned as I have them still.

I set up the main tank with a Plenum following reading on the Jaubert system, my sump/fuge is a wet/dry modded with a plenum DSB area with macro algae an LR. I recently purchased a Korallin unit (not using yet) return via Mag 95 with ball valve
Lights 2X 250DE 14K (the cheap brand you may know which one) Skimmer is an old but reliable ER CS 5-3 and does a great job. Coralline algae already growing at a fast rate on the back glass and that I like.
Maintenance is every day, top it off manually, feeding, cleaning front glass. circulation via 2 MJ600 with Sureflo mod but no magnets PRICEY sold my two koralias 3 and 4 too much flow for a sugar fine sand bed, seemed like snowing on bikini bottom !!

I'd like to have mostly soft corals and polips/palys had some but they died on the move to the new place.

Welcome GVI,
i have the same tank(along with a 50 ga). have had success keeping lps and sps, although growth rates are very slow. I'm pretty sure light is the limiting factor, we have 48 watts of pc.
Welcome again, it's a good group of people.

My name is Jim and I live in millbrae.

I've been in the hobby for a few years. I recently upgraded to a 75 gal w./40 sump/fuge.

I've met a few members from trading/purchasing and thought I'd sign up.
[quote author=Raddogz link=topic=431.msg35086#msg35086 date=1203973820]
Nice - Welcome Jim.

SeminoleCPA aka Bryan is in Burlingame not much farther than a hop skip


Thanks for the welcome!

Where are you Raddogz ?
[quote author=seminolecpa link=topic=431.msg35098#msg35098 date=1203977662]
Hooray more pennisula reefers.

East bay people look out we are slowly taking over.

All of your coral are belong to us!


Thanks for the welcome !

My wife is a cpa also.

Let me know if your ever interested in trading corals.
[quote author=seminolecpa link=topic=431.msg35098#msg35098 date=1203977662]
East bay people look out we are slowly taking over.

Oh just you wait till the fareast eastbay dominates the club in 1 year!!!!
[quote author=Gomer link=topic=431.msg35129#msg35129 date=1203991706]
[quote author=seminolecpa link=topic=431.msg35098#msg35098 date=1203977662]
East bay people look out we are slowly taking over.

Oh just you wait till the fareast eastbay dominates the club in 1 year!!!!

Sounds like a budding "superpower." ;D
Hey there,

My name is Craig and I've just getting back into the hobby after a 10 year hiatus. I started off buying a BC14 which I decided to upgrade with the 70W Sunpod, which since it was backordered, decided to change the order to a 150 Sunpod, because I had my eyes on upgrading, which I did, to a 33G Oceanic with a 10G Sump/Refuge. I also just got some 3/4" acrylic and plan on building a 48"x24"x16" AIO....I own a charter fishing boat out of the East Bay and can be a source for potential revenue generation by donating charters off my boat for non/not 4 profits. I enjoy the tax deduction and the fact I can help out clubs.
my name is Andy from San Jose. Been in the hobby for a few years. REcently decidied to redo my tank from scratch. been posting my tank progressin the bar section in reefcentral. Hope to meet some of you guys next time at a meet.