High Tide Aquatics

Featured Salty_Taste650: Innovative Marine 50Gal Lagoon

Updates + Highlights:

Momma Percula has been super aggressive. She does not like to share w/ the new guests

CBB is a curious fellow. Also maybe even more aggressive eater than my last CBB

Favorite Picture all time of Mariano the Mandarin. Been with me for 1.5 years now and still dancing w/ Dolores every night.
Wild Onyx Percula

I am a sucker when it comes to percula clownfish. Wild Onyx are my favorites by far... Honestly feels like I am betraying my current pair

If this pair makes through qt, I might have to rehome my current pair. Or I can be a hoarder and keep them all HAHAHA
Looks like a different momma was sent to me this time around rather than the one in the pictures... nonetheless, if they come in healthy and make it through, I have no complaints
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Wild Super Black Percula Update: Freshwater Dip + TTM Part 2.
Please disregard the dirty container with lots of dust, I didn't wipe down prior to taking photos.

I think I am a fish first hobbiest instead of corals. True Percula's will always be my favorite fish.

My current display pair is exactly the same pattern as my original pair when I first got in the hobby in 4th grade which is half black.. (Sentimental)
This new qt pair has my ideal coloration for a wild specimen. (Dream pair)

The problem Is 1 display and 2 pairs... If I could, I would setup a breeder and just collect a bunch of True Percs pairs becoming a hoarder. Tough Decisions.
So close to just saying forget it + chancing it by tossing them into the display but I gotta play the long game.
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Beautiful tanks and fish!
Where did you get your Copper Band from?
How many did you have to buy to get ones that survive?
Any secrets to getting them to eat?
Thank you for the kind words!

This one came from a local reefer, was a bit on the skinny side when it came in but that is no longer the case. I've actually been pretty fortunate with success on Copperbands going 4/6 over the years. I've sourced my others from LFS and the one before this current specimen from Strikers Reefing.

My experience with the 2 that did not make it ( 1 was in a bag but was cheap, The other was a a baby around 1.25-1.5in too cute to pass up even when it didn't attempt to eat at LFS) Both that passed on could have been from extreme stress or simply unhealthy specimens since they died literally a day or 2 after.

No secrets in getting them to eat, my process is to put them in an isolated tank and literally throw everything at it. White worms, Frozen + Live Brine shrimp, PE Mysis, Live Black Worms, Fresh Clams from the supermarket, bringing over rocks w/ Aptasia + Feather Dusters. The key is finding a healthy specimen that is curious. In addition, if you decide to be brave enough and try to own, have all available options ready at hand. Definitely a more difficult specimen to care for so the best is always buy pre-qt from vendors like High-tide to make it a little easier.

Unless you are a dare-devil like myself and try to do it on your own, be super picky in choosing the specimen to limit casualties ... Granted, my dad has been in the hobby since the 80's so I have a little cheat code with all of his experience

Sad Update: Freak Accident

What a sad way to lose this specimen… Came home after a late night out around 3am, when I turned on the lights in my room, must have startled the white tail causing it to smash into the glass twice then swam directly into the mp10 at 70% which shredded it..
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